Applicable Policies

Researchers must abide by all applicable University, local, state, and federal policies, statutes and regulations, including but not limited to the federal Controlled Substances Act, the University’s Policy on Controlled Substances (BFB-BUS-50), and California law (Health & Safety Code Sections §11480 and §11481) that requires that certain studies involving Schedule I and II Controlled Substances be submitted to and approved by the Research Advisory Panel of California. Principal Investigators must follow the guidance on the state’s Research Advisory Panel website.

Research about cannabis that does not involve the direct use of cannabis in a research procedure is allowed, provided all the usual requisite approvals for research have been obtained (including IRB and/or IACUC review, where applicable, for studies involving human subjects or animals). Examples might include: surveying individuals about their use of, and experiences with, cannabis; analyzing public records of arrests for cannabis use or distribution; studying the effects of interventions for individuals who use, but wish to moderate or discontinue their use of cannabis; and obtaining symptom rating diaries from individuals who, on their own, obtain and use cannabis with the hope of alleviating those symptoms.

Paid outside work related to cannabis must comply with standard UC policies and procedures governing these activities including but not limited to: