Eraka Bath

Eraka Bath, M.D., is board certified in child and adolescent, adult and forensic psychiatry. She is an associate professor in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in the David Geffen School of Medicine. Since joining the UCLA faculty in 2007, Dr. Bath has served as the Director of Child Forensic Services and the psychiatrist appointed to the Los Angeles County Juvenile Mental Health Court (JMHC). Dr. Bath specializes in diagnostic assessment and forensic consultation with adolescents, with an emphasis on high-risk youth, including those with histories of trauma, juvenile delinquency and foster care placement.
Dr. Bath interest in cannabis is related to her work in adolescents, and more specifically, juvenile justice populations, many of who have problem substance use. Her current work is examining the relationship of cannabis use and mental health disorders, as well as other co-occurring substance use in judicially involved youth, particularly those with histories of commercial sexually exploitation.